breathless 2.5ft x 4ft

 Spraypaint x collage on board, resin finish

We can only breathe if we allow ourselves to let go of the previous breath. 


bandigi 4ft x 3ft 

Acrylic x spraypaint X collage on board

‘Bandigi’ is the Bambara (a language native to Mali, West Africa) word for the hairstyle illustrated in the piece.
This piece is an observation of what the human race would look like in the cities and more urban areas of west Africa, as a result of western influence and technology.


White Noise 4ft x 3ft

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board
‘White Noise' was inspired by the 2016 Oscars boycott, due to the lack of representation of nominees of color. This piece is about being and feeling silenced; a representation of the voiceless and the seen but unheard.


In Mali it was instilled in me that every surrounding aspect of life was a part of me and I a part of it — from small insects to large animals, to the plants that bless us with oxygen every day; we are all one. As a result, it is important to live in harmony with everything around us. These pieces are a reflection of the underlying theme of symbiosis in traditional Mali: we all carry a soul that is valued: insect, plant, human being etc...

whisperers 3ft x 2ft

collage on board


cabako 3ft x 2ft

 collage on board


bad gyal 

2ft x 2ft  

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board. 


Growing up between Malian and American cultures, there was a huge contrast (almost opposing) in values. In the USA I observed more of a consumer life style rather than the Malian ‘give and take’ life style. In particular, this piece speaks to the different cultures’ definition of wealth. I’ve been given so much knowledge on the history of West Africa from thousands of years back as it is a valuable part of tradition passed down by griots. Knowledge is a wealth that can never be stolen, yet there is the contrasting idea that wealth is purely physical material things. 

Wealth of knowledge

3ft x 2ft

Acrylic x collage on board. 


Consumer 3ft x 2ft 

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on canvas, resin finish

‘We are what we eat.’ For every action, there is a reaction. What are we creating and generating within ourselves by consuming?


carpool 4ft x 2ft 

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board


fortune or fame 3ft x 2ft  

collage on board

We are the results of our decisions and the results of unexplained forces. We are powerful and powerless.
She sits in her present state turning the dials of fate, a compass in her hand, a baby in her womb, smoke between her fingers. 


The poet 31" x 23"

collage on board

Griots are the banks of West Africa. History's wealth pulses through their brains, released only by poetry. They are the holders of the past and the hope of the future.

(Griots are a member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West AfricA...).


real football 3ft x 2ft 

Acrylic x spraypaint x oil x collage on board

A scene from the motherland I passed by hundreds of days in my childhood. A scene from the motherland I’ve passed by hundreds of nights in my dreams. 


jellyfish 2ft x 4ft

Acrylic x collage on board

A Self portrait.
Jellyfish: some of the most beautiful, but deadly creatures.


pheobe 3ft x 2ft

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board.


Cataglyphis cursor 
ft x 2ft

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board

Many female ants, such as Cataglyphis cursor, do not need a male mate, reproducing through asexual cloning, and all of those offspring will be female.


self portrait

4ft x 2ft

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board. 


désolé j'ai gagné 

33" x 28"

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board resin finish


Hakili Jagabo (Reflection) Collection 


Wari tigi (Master of Money) 31" x 26"

Acrylic x spraypaint x collage on board resin finish


Hakili Jagabo (English translation: reflection or exercise of the mind), is Diakité’s 2016/2017 collection.

These pieces are an observation of what the human race would look like as a result of the everyday choices we make, our experiences and our surroundings. Each piece is a commentary on how aspects of our lives define us as individuals — they are essentially reflections of us as human beings.